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 what the freaking hell ?! (saoirse)

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Thaddeus Killingworth
we pledge ourselves to the goddess

Thaddeus Killingworth
Messages : 490
Pseudo : metropolis (steph)
Avatar : grant gustin
Crédits : (avatar @cheap thrills)
Double compte : helios & astoria
Image : what the freaking hell ?! (saoirse) Tumblr_o9jfbn89FA1qeufx0o2_500
Âge : vingt-six hivers, écorché vif.
Statut civil : coeur à la dérive, âme à l'agonie. il prend ce qui vient, ni plus ni moins.
Occupation : il entretient et entraîne le corps des autres le jour, avant d'aller exposer le sien dans les bars le soir
Élément : les abysses qui étouffent, asphyxient, et détruisent. l'eau, destructrice.
Date d'inscription : 17/01/2016
Age : 28


what the freaking hell ?! (saoirse) Empty
MessageSujet: what the freaking hell ?! (saoirse)   what the freaking hell ?! (saoirse) EmptyVen 11 Mar - 23:45

He still had no idea how it had come to that. One day, they were ignoring each other perfectly - well, more accurately, he had been avoiding her, but the results were the same, in the end - and the next, here she was, following him everywhere he went, stalking his every movements, contemplating herself in turning his life into hell. He hated her. Well, at least, he tried to. But it was hard to when everything she made only wanted to make him laugh. And rip her head out with wolfsbane. She was a wolf and, by extension, everything he was made out to despise and look upon. For the most part, ignoring her had been a mistake. Just as much as if he had straightforward told her they could not be friends because of her being a stinky useless and whiny dog. Of course, he had not told her that. But, still. She knew something was bothering him, pushing him away from her. And so, from the first day they had met, she had decided it would be best if she followed him every time she saw him, just in case he decided to change his mind. Right, as if he was going to. Great bonding time to look forward to. Not likely to happen. Ever. Ever. He was currently sitting at a table, having a great and peaceful time drinking coffee, all the troubles gone, not thinking for a minute about the nosy and loud she-wolf. Thaddeus hated wolves. Loathed them with so much passion, it was a wonder he had not killed one of these filthy creatures yet. Mother would hate it, and he knew it. Spilling their blood was unworthy of her greatness. However, it would not hurt to snap some necks from time to time. He intented to have a great and nice day, for once. But Fate was against him. As always (seriously, it was becoming annoying). And here she was, waving and screaming at him from the other side of the window pane. In the streets (of all places). In front of every single pedestrians and customers of the pub. Just, awe-freaking-some. He had seen enough. And Saoirse was seriously pushing his last buttons. That's just great. Exactly what I needed today. The sorcerer just could not seem to be able to get rid of her. She was like a very stubborn and persistent kid, who keeps asking questions even though you just told them you do not know the answer. Pretending not to see her was pointless. And so, he did just that. Wanting to bang his head on the nearest wall, and deciding that the table would do instead. He had a crazy -an insane, he might say- wolf on his tail. The irony of the situation was no stranger to him. He only wanted to get a cup of coffee and spend a good day. Was that seriously too much to ask, goddamn it ?!
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what the freaking hell ?! (saoirse)

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