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Elrich Marbh & Augustus O'Callaghan

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 ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd)

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Saoirse O'Callaghan
howling at the moon

Saoirse O'Callaghan
Messages : 204
Pseudo : songbird, chloé
Avatar : natalie dormer
Crédits : money honey.
Double compte : elijah morgenstern
Image : ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd) 6ebd4b181977b8798fa94d65910d1944
Âge : trente-deux ans
Statut civil : célibataire, lit grand ouvert
Occupation : juriste d'affaires à dublin
Armes de prédilection : le sarcasme et dix ongles manucurés
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2016

ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd) Empty
MessageSujet: ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd)   ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd) EmptySam 5 Mar - 0:03

PARTICIPANTS : leith oswald, saoirse o'callaghan
SUJETS RP NON ALTERNATIFS : participant 1 / participant 2

leith, saoirse
Yours is the first face that I saw, I think I was blind before I met you. Now I don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been, but I know where I want to go.

This was it. The last day of her bored life – no, the first one of a very, very exciting new existence.
How long has she been waiting for ? Two years, almost three – honestly, it had been like an eternity in her head. An eternity of waiting, again and again, for her Prince Charming to come to her. An eternity of frustration, and hate, and most importantly an eternity of love. Repressed love; the kind that made her head ache for hours each day. Every time she saw him, actually. Every time she saw those two oceans looking at her. Every time she gazed at those awfully cute smiles of him. She pitied herself every time – how did it all happen ? How has she, who always showed the strongest part of herself, who was known for her iron heart; how has she been able to fall this low ? She who had always claimed that women were powerful, as capable as men if not more, she who had always raised her fist up in the air for her kind to be recognized as equal, well there she was. Waiting, again, for a man. He wasn't that important, was he ? – oh yes he was. And the little laugh she could hear coming from the alley of her house convinced her. She had been waiting years. She had been waiting years, only for him to confess his love, but she had been right. They were going down the right path – she knew it from the very moment he sat in the car. She wouldn't have to wait, not even one minute, for the rest of her life. She sighed in relief. What a wonderful day it was.
Got everything ? Saoirse smiled as he nodded. A little, very brief laugh escaped her – she kind of hoped that he, sometimes, would surprise her with super cheesy answers. Something like I got everything if I've got you; the kind of answers that made her mentally vomit when watching movies.
In a very gently move, she took her lover's hand – the simple fact that she could now call him her lover made her heart jump – and kissed it on the back. You know, her voice was as suave as a feather petting his ears, I don't know if I've already been this happy. Ever. Saoirse let go of his hand, but turned her head, looking at him in his eyes. I've literally been dreaming of this day every night for the past two years, and now... Simply because she could look at him freely, without having to hide or anything, the biggest, most sincere of smiles brightened her whole face. And now, my whole life is a dream.
Her finger pressed the radio button and some music started playing in the car – she recognized it was a Coldplay music, and turned the volume up a bit.
Was this what perfection looked like ? Having the opportunity to lie in the most perfect man's arms all day, with good music playing ? Man, this was like a movie – and she had to admit she loved the soundtrack. Putting her arm on the edge of the car's door, she looked one last time at Glencullen. She may never see it again, but she didn't want to forget it; she memorized each flower that started blooming in the neighbour's garden, each cloud in the sky, each house and street that she could see. And then, she was ready. Ready to move on, to get out of this city and start a new thing. Something strong, and big, that would last until the end of her days.
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Leith Oswald
howling at the moon

Leith Oswald
Messages : 114
Pseudo : flyingsquirrel. (maëlle)
Avatar : richard madden.
Crédits : brief moment of joy.
Double compte : nolan le magnifique.
Âge : vingt-huit ans, partagés entre une enfance compliquée et une vie d'adulte idyllique, jusqu'à aujourd'hui.
Statut civil : amour passionnel, enflammé. il aime au delà de la raison et ça le consume, jour après jour. d'une relation simple, sans tâches, il est passé à un amour interdit, entre deux ennemis.
Occupation : ingénieur de la vision, pour la télévision irlandaise.
Poste dans la meute : il n'appartient à aucune meute, il est solitaire, encore réticent à l'idée de se mélanger aux autres loups.
Date d'inscription : 08/02/2016

ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd)   ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd) EmptyDim 6 Mar - 0:24

He can't believe it. After all they've been through, it's finally happening. The start of a new life, just the two of them. No more lies, no more tears and deception. Only them and their love for each other. It feels strange for him to walk away from this life he has built with Iseult - he was here thanks to her. This town was supposed to be their salvation, where they would be able to build the life they had dreamed of. And it was, at first. They were truly happy, for a few years. But then, everything went wrong. The loss of their baby, the incapacity for them to have a family of their own. In just a few months, their perfect love went to hell and never came back. That's when he had met her. Saoirse. She wasn't like Iseult, but something in her had captivated him. Maybe it was the sparks in her eyes, the smile she was always wearing or the cristaline sound of her laugh. He never really knew, it was probably a whole. For three years, they had seen each other, not telling anyone. And Leith, he had felt so guilty. He had been a coward, not telling his wife the truth. But everything was behind them now. He had left Iseult, and was about to take Saoirse away from here.
Leith sits in the car and looks at her. He can't help but smile at the view or her face. She seems happy, more than he has ever seen her be. She's glowing. It's so strange, how he has the feeling she was part of his life since the beginning, as if he had always known her. « Got everything? » He nods slightly, a smile on his lips. He can't wait to be in London, with her. Gently, Saoirse takes his hand and kisses it. His thumb brushes her soft skin, as he listens to her voice. « You know, I don't know if I've already been this happy. Ever. » He gets lost in the green of her eyes, not daring to look away. « I've literally been dreaming of this day every night for the past two years, and now... » He regrets it has taken so long for them to be fully together. It's his fault, he knows that, but he hopes that he can redeem himself. « And now, my whole life is a dream. » He looks at her for a few seconds before he leans forward and kisses her. « You don't know how happy it makes me to see you like that. And be able to do that... » He kisses her again. A soft, chaste kiss. « Whenever I want to. » With these words, he starts the car and focuses on the road. The town he has known for the past years passes before his eyes. A strange feeling gets into him. He can't really tell what it is, a mix of fear, nostalgia and excitement. It's a new chapter of his life which begins today. He hums the air of the song on the radio when they get to the highway. He frowns when he sees all the cars stopped. « What is this? » Leith looks at Saoirse next to him. There shouldn't be so many automobiles here. He doesn't understand but he has a strange feeling about this situation, his instinct telling him that something is wrong.
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Saoirse O'Callaghan
howling at the moon

Saoirse O'Callaghan
Messages : 204
Pseudo : songbird, chloé
Avatar : natalie dormer
Crédits : money honey.
Double compte : elijah morgenstern
Image : ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd) 6ebd4b181977b8798fa94d65910d1944
Âge : trente-deux ans
Statut civil : célibataire, lit grand ouvert
Occupation : juriste d'affaires à dublin
Armes de prédilection : le sarcasme et dix ongles manucurés
Date d'inscription : 21/02/2016

ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd) Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd)   ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd) EmptyDim 13 Mar - 16:47

leith, saoirse
Yours is the first face that I saw, I think I was blind before I met you. Now I don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been, but I know where I want to go.

Her eyes were even more sparkly than the night skies. She couldn't believe what was happening to them – and frankly : she never wanted to entirely believe it. It would have given their story some kind of hurtfull reality, it would have taken the dream-like part out of the canvas. If it were to be real in her head, as in very down to earth, mundane, it would become boring and way more unattractive – and god knows she wanted everything but that. What she wanted, in fact, was for their relationship to be and stay this magical thing, the little sparkle in their lives; this je ne sais quoi that made everything better, everytime. That was what she kept dreaming about.
You don't know how happy it makes me to see you like that. And be able to do that... Saoirse smiled when he kissed her, as she always does. She always thinks that she's too cheesy and needs to pokerface a little more, but she can't help it. Whenever I want to. And oh boy, those were the perfect words to use : she'd spend the rest of her life tied up to his lips if that was a viable option. But it wouldn't be, would it ? Saoirse silently sighs – no, it wouldn't.
Glencullen gives them a last loving view, and for a second she almost wants to open the car window and jump to stay where she's always been, but she doesn't. She's gonna move, and far away from here. Leave everything and everyone, even her family, even the brother she's spent five years searching for and she's finally found. She's leaving her whole life for one and only reason : Leith – because home can be everywhere, if he's there. She glances a last time at the GLENCULLEN sign, a small smile on her lips, before humming the song playing on the radio. What is this? The music had drawn her elsewhere. She blinked once or twice, looking at the road, before frowning. I have no idea... She undid her seat belt, turning the volume of the radio down. Her eyes were going back and forth, from car to car, trying to see something. Stop here honey, I'm gonna ask the car beside us. She waited for their car to get behind another one, and got out on her heels. Saoirse lightly knocked on the window, a friendly smile supposed to brighten her face. Hi ! Sorry to bother you, but would you happen to know what's happening ? I mean, I haven't heard about the Queen visiting nor any kind of rugby meet-up... She wanted to sound at least a little bit funny, but just as she said it, she realized she wasn't funny. In fact, as the minutes passed, she only felt more and more worried. You should listen to the radio news ma'am, some kind of strange epidemia has taken Dublin over – impossible to reach the city at the moment ! Saoirse thanked him in a cheerful way – even though she felt nothing but anxiety – and went back to the car. She turned the volume up, and started searching for the right radio frequency; when she found it, she finally looked at Leith. According to these people, there seems to be some ind of epidemia in Dublin. We can't access the city at the moment... That being said, she sighed – and something, behind her lover, catched her eye. Not only couldn't they get in Dublin, but on the other side of the road, cars were rushing to get out. There weren't many – it was as if only some had been able to escape from something. Surely, if it were just a flu, there wouldn't have any reason for people to get away this fast. She lifted her finger, and pointed those cars. Ain't they going way too fast for it to be a little disease ? Her voice was kinda shaking – she knew nothing about the situation and yet feared everything. Grabing his arm, she looked in his eyes, frowning in a worried way. Honey, I wanna go back...
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ignore everybody else, we're alone now (saeith, au twd) Empty
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